This is a SimonSays box, and in a world of people with a deficit of attention, I’ll be the one to give you the TL;DR version of what you’re reading.
For instance, you can skip this page entirely, it’s just some guy going on and on about himself.
The name’s Simon Hyll, don’t wear it out. Or do, I’m not that picky. I’m still figuring out what I want to write here.
For now just know that I’m some guy from Sweden that enjoys programming and teaching.
The most direct way of supporting me and my projects is by making donations. It gives me a form of direct feedback as to how much people actually appreciate my efforts.
- GitHub Sponsor: No rewards other than a good feeling in your stomach!
- Patreon: Some minor rewards for showing support!
If giving money and getting nothing back isn’t your cup of tea I am also writing books and making courses!
- None are yet finished.
And if none of those feel like an option you can raise issues and make PR’s for my projects, or just reach out to me and tell me you appreciate what I’ve done. Emotional support is also support! 😁
I still need to figure out the specifics, but here’s the general idea. Payments happen through either Patreon or GitHub Sponsors and e.g. the top 3 companies get shown in the sidebar while the rest get shown below this segment right here. I don’t plan on having a lower limit, it’ll instead be a fairly automated system that checks which companies are currently spending the most. Amount spent probably won’t be made public for obvious reasons.
Do note that none of this is set up just yet, so if you’re currently interested you’ll need to reach out to me to discuss me making this a priority task to implement!